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Page Without Valid React Component

Why This Error Occurred​

A page that does not export a valid React Component was found while analyzing the build output.

This is a hard error because the page would error when rendered, and causes poor build performance.

Possible Ways to Fix It​

Investigate the list of page(s) specified in the error message. For each, you'll want to check if the file is meant to be a page.

If the file is not meant to be a page, and instead, is a shared component or file, move the file to a different folder like components or lib.

If the file is meant to be a page, double check you have an export default with the React Component instead of an export. If you're already using export default, make sure the returned value is a valid React Component.

If you need to support a different file extension for a page component (such as .mdx) or would like to include non-page files in the pages directory, configure Custom Page Extensions in the next.config.js.