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Understanding "API Routes in Static Export" Warning in Next.js

Why This Warning Occurred​

The "API Routes in Static Export" warning is typically raised when an exportPathMap path is matched to an API route while trying to statically export a Next.js application via the next export command. This command disables API routes as it is designed for a static-only setup.

Running next export is not necessary to make your application static. Pages in your application that do not have server-side data dependencies will be automatically statically optimized when you run next build. This includes pages powered by getStaticProps.

Possible Ways to Fix It​

To resolve this issue, you have two main options:

  1. Use the next build command instead of next export if you're deploying your application on platforms that don't require next export. For example, Vercel is a popular hosting platform for Next.js applications that supports this feature.
  2. If you still need to use next export, make sure to remove any paths that use API routes from your exportPathMap in your next.config.js file.
  3. Consider incrementally adopting the App Router, which supports Route Handlers. These "API Routes" can be used to create endpoints that can be statically exported in your application.
  • Static HTML export - Learn more about how you can create a static HTML export of your Next.js application.
  • Route Handlers - Learn more about how you can use Route Handlers to create endpoints that can be statically exported in your application.