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  • The development branch is canary.
  • All pull requests should be opened against canary.
  • The changes on the canary branch are published to the @canary tag on npm regularly.


  • Install Rust and Cargo via rustup.
  • Install the GitHub CLI.
  • Enable pnpm:
    corepack enable pnpm
  • (Linux) Install LLD, the LLVM linker:
    sudo apt install lld

Local Development​

  1. Clone the Next.js repository (download only recent commits for faster clone):
    gh repo clone vercel/next.js -- --filter=blob:none --branch canary --single-branch
  2. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b MY_BRANCH_NAME origin/canary
  3. Install the dependencies with:
    pnpm install
  4. Start developing and watch for code changes:
    pnpm dev
  5. In a new terminal, run pnpm types to compile declaration files from TypeScript. Note: You may need to repeat this step if your types get outdated.
  6. When your changes are finished, commit them to the branch:
    git add .
    git commit -m "DESCRIBE_YOUR_CHANGES_HERE"
  7. To open a pull request you can use the GitHub CLI which automatically forks and sets up a remote branch. Follow the prompts when running:
    gh pr create

For instructions on how to build a project with your local version of the CLI, see Developing Using Your Local Version of Next.js as linking the package is not sufficient to develop locally.

Testing a local Next.js version on an application​

Since Turbopack doesn't support symlinks when pointing outside of the workspace directory, it can be difficult to develop against a local Next.js version. Neither pnpm link nor file: imports quite cut it. An alternative is to pack the Next.js version you want to test into a tarball and add it to the pnpm overrides of your test application. The following script will do it for you:

pnpm pack-next --release && pnpm unpack-next path/to/project

Or without running the build:

pnpm pack-next --no-build --release && pnpm unpack-next path/to/project

Without going through a tarball (only works if you've added the overrides from pack-next):

pnpm patch-next path/to/project

Supports the same arguments:

pnpm patch-next --no-build --release path/to/project

Explanation of the scripts​

# Generate a tarball of the Next.js version you want to test
$ pnpm pack-next

# If you need to build in release mode:
$ pnpm pack-next --release
# You can also pass any cargo argument to the script

# To skip the `pnpm i` and `pnpm build` steps in next.js (e. g. if you are running `pnpm dev`)
$ pnpm pack-next --no-build

Afterwards, you'll need to unpack the tarball into your test project. You can either manually edit the package.json to point to the new tarballs (see the stdout from pack-next script), or you can automatically unpack it with:

# Unpack the tarballs generated with pack-next into project's node_modules
$ pnpm unpack-next path/to/project

Recover disk space​

Rust builds quickly add up to a lot of disk space, you can clean up old artifacts with this command:

pnpm sweep

It will also clean up other caches (pnpm store, cargo, etc.) and run git gc for you.

MacOS disk compression​

If you want to automatically use APFS disk compression on macOS for node_modules/ and target/ you can install a launch agent with:


Or run it manually with:
