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Caching and Revalidating


Caching is the process of storing data to reduce the number of requests made to the server. Next.js provides a built-in Data Cache for individual data requests, giving you granular control of caching behavior.

fetch requests​

fetch requests are not cached by default in Next.js 15.

To cache an individual fetch request, you can use the cache: 'force-cache' option:

fetch('https://...', { cache: 'force-cache' })

Data fetching libraries and ORMs​

To cache specific requests to your database or ORM, you can use the unstable_cache API:

import { getUser } from './data'
import { unstable_cache } from 'next/cache'

const getCachedUser = unstable_cache(async (id) => getUser(id), ['my-app-user'])

export default async function Component({ userID }) {
const user = await getCachedUser(userID)
return user

Revalidating data​

Revalidation is the process of purging the Data Cache and re-fetching the latest data. This is useful when your data changes and you want to ensure you show the latest information while still benefiting from the speed of static rendering.

Cached data can be revalidated in two ways:

  • Time-based revalidation: Automatically revalidate data after a certain amount of time has passed. This is useful for data that changes infrequently and freshness is not as critical.
  • On-demand revalidation: Manually revalidate data based on an event (e.g. form submission). On-demand revalidation can use a tag-based or path-based approach to revalidate groups of data at once. This is useful when you want to ensure the latest data is shown as soon as possible (e.g. when content from your headless CMS is updated).

Time-based revalidation​

To revalidate data at a timed interval, you can use the next.revalidate option of fetch to set the cache lifetime of a resource (in seconds).

fetch('https://...', { next: { revalidate: 3600 } }) // revalidate at most every hour

Alternatively, to revalidate all requests in a route segment, you can use the Segment Config Options.

export const revalidate = 3600 // revalidate at most every hour

Learn how time-based revalidation works

Good to know:

  • If you have multiple fetch requests in a statically rendered route, and each has a different revalidation frequency. The lowest time will be used for all requests.
  • For dynamically rendered routes, each fetch request will be revalidated independently.
  • To save server resources, we recommend setting a high revalidation time whenever possible. For instance, 1 hour instead of 1 second. If you need real-time data, consider switching to dynamic rendering or client-side data fetching.

On-demand revalidation​

Data can be revalidated on-demand with the revalidatePath and revalidateTag APIs.

Use revalidatePath in Server Actions or Route Handler to revalidate data for specific routes:

import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'

export async function createPost() {
// Mutate data
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'

export async function createPost() {
// Mutate data

Use revalidateTag to revalidate fetch requests across routes.

  1. When using fetch, you have the option to tag cache entries with one or more tags.
  2. Then, you can call revalidateTag to revalidate all entries associated with that tag.

For example, the following fetch request adds the cache tag collection:

export default async function Page() {
const res = await fetch('https://...', { next: { tags: ['collection'] } })
const data = await res.json()
// ...
export default async function Page() {
const res = await fetch('https://...', { next: { tags: ['collection'] } })
const data = await res.json()
// ...

You can then revalidate this fetch call tagged with collection by calling revalidateTag:

'use server'

import { revalidateTag } from 'next/cache'

export async function action() {
'use server'

import { revalidateTag } from 'next/cache'

export async function action() {

Learn how on-demand revalidation works.

Error handling and revalidation​

If an error is thrown while attempting to revalidate data, the last successfully generated data will continue to be served from the cache. On the next subsequent request, Next.js will retry revalidating the data.